
Electrochemical Characterization of Al86Ce10TM4 (TM=Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) Amorphous Alloys

Electrochemical behavior of Al86Ce10TM4 (TM=Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) amorphous alloys was studied. The amorphous alloys exhibit corrosion resistance and mechanical hardness substantially higher than the traditional Al alloys on merit of electrochemical homogeneity, self-passivating and lattice strengthening of the amorphous matrix. Annealing crystallization of the amorphous alloys can furthermore promote these properties significantly due to the added effect of metallic nano-crystals tessellated in the amorphous matrix in mechanisms of anti-corrosion enhancement and precipitate hardening. The oxide films grown on the amorphous alloys at 630°C in static air provide superior corrosion resistance due to the resilient blockage of the oxide layers to the environment. The results manifest amorphous Al86Ce10TM4 (TM=Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) alloys present distinguished electrochemical and mechanical properties and thus have potential aerospace and defence applications in terms of their mechanical strength (800~1200 MPa), high temperature endurance (300~420°C and anti-oxidation (630°C) and corrosion resistance (10-6~10-8 A/cm2).


Jianqi Zhang, Yichao Fu, Tian Zhang, August Chang, Wenwen Li, Pengzhong Shi, Na Na, Chenyuan Chang, Jiyu Jia, Dianchen Feng, Xuemei Wang, Yinfeng Zhao, Tao Li, Yongchang Huang and Shengli An 

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